Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sun on the Hills, Clouds on the Mountains

Both paintings are from photos I took when we were in Colorado this past May-June for a HS graduation (but done back at home).  For these two, I tried a wet-in-wet technique and mixed the watercolor paint on the wet paper, hoping to get more interesting color gradients.  For the most part, I am pleased with the results.

                                    Watercolor on 140 lbs paper 9x12

Another smaller painting from the same hike.  I like the clouds and the foreground but the center piece rock out cropping did not turn out as I hoped.

                                    Watercolor on 140 lbs paper 6x8

When we are visiting Colorado, we always try to do something active in nature.  While there, we did a short hike in the foothills of the Rockies (Red Rock Canyon Open Space) as we did not have time to do some of the longer, higher trails.  Even still, the views were spectacular, especially the skies.   During the hike, the skies we clear blue with puffy clouds, however, as we heading back, the skies started to get ominous.  By the time we were back at our hotel (~15 min later), the skies were black and it was a full on hail storm!  Just another typical day I hear.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sad Flowers

I do not know what I was thinking or, quite frankly, what I was doing other than experimenting (continuing to try to create several layers of color wash).  Somethings I learned: phthalo turquoise probably too intense a pigment to use on its own but makes lovely greens, I draw sad sunflower-esque flowers, this was ultimately a very fun exercise, and for all its sadness, I kinda like these sad, little flowers.

                                       Watercolor on 140 lbs paper 9x12

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Hellboy Portrait

Still trying to work out Taro's "wet into dry" technique, so far so fun.  Long way to go, but I am enjoying the results of the layered colors, especially on Hellboy's cheeks and nose.  Also, trying out some more new Daniel Smith colors.  This time trying the dark, rich Phthalo Blue and the lighter Cobalt Teal Blue, both used in the background (which I almost did not do; see below for comparison).

Made it thru the first two Hellboy Omnibuses and the Short Stories Omnibus (just bought vol 3).  As I wait for the final two omnibuses, I am reading the BPRD's complete War on Frogs.  What an awesome world Mignolo, John Arcudi, Guy Davis, and the rest of the crew have created.  I think I am going to watercolor portraits of the main cast, starting with Abe Sapien.

                                      Watercolor on 140 lbs paper 4x6

And here it is before painting a background.  I definitely like it with the background better.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Watercolor or Bust

Been trying some new techniques lately.  Marco "Taro" Holmes, who is an amazingly talented watercolor artist has this "wet in dry" technique (wet brush on dry paper, as opposed to wet in wet, where you wet the paper first).  I am constantly in awe of his work.  The technique allows for strong lines, but also beautiful washes that can be built upon each other, taking advantage of the transparent nature of watercolors.

I have tried and failed at it several times.  But with this effort, I think I am beginning to understand what he is teaching.  Below is probably the most watercolor-y painting that I have ever done (based on a google image of a greek statue bust).

                                          Watercolor on 140 lbs paper 9x12

Only used three colors for this, some the newly acquired Daniel Smith watercolor paints: Mayan Dark Blue, Shadow Violet, and Venetian Red.